
Industries and Applications for Nissin Ion Implanters

Founded in Japan almost 40 years ago, Nissin has created some of the world’s most advanced ion implanters for commercial and research applications across a wide spectrum of industries. Our ion implanters can be found in Fortune 500 companies, major universities, and in manufacturing plants that specialize in advanced technology.


Every device our implanters help create are developed and tested by researchers in materials science. If your project or organization is in need of ion implantation, we encourage you to first contact our US sales team using our contact form and let’s start a conversation about our ion implanter capabilities and how they can be used to meet your materials engineering needs.

Industries We Support

Ion implantation is becoming increasingly important across a wide range of applications, as the technology continues to be adopted by existing and new companies hoping to enhance their products and technology and utilizing benefits that this type of doping system is able to offer. Some of the industries that use our ion implant technology include:


  • Semiconductor, SiC and GaAs Manufacturing – Ion implantation is most commonly used in the semiconductor, SiC and GaAs spaces. You can find our devices throughout the world, partnering with semiconductor, SiC and GaAs development companies to help provide solutions to their technological needs now and in the future.
  • Medicine and Medical Research – Medical device developers may benefit from potentially improved adhesion, corrosion resistance, and barrier properties provided by ion implants, precisely doping ions like argon, titanium, nitrogen, and oxygen into a range of product materials.
  • Materials for Space Exploration – Nissin Ion implanters can support the technology behind space exploration, used in everything from satellites to food packaging to enhance the success of each mission.
  • Environmental Field – Nissin Ion Implanters can help support many different material modifications needed in the environmental science and energy fields. Our Nissin Ion implanters can be integrated into the product development processes to create better products that are more environmentally friendly.
  • Metal Materials – Nissin Ion Implanters can be used to modify and enhance metal materials. Our implant technology support chromium, titanium, and many others to give metal materials better corrosion resistance, density, and strength.
  • Ceramics and Glass – Materials like ceramics and glass have been around in many forms for thousands of years. But ion implanters have been able to create stronger, longer lasting ceramic and glass items by enhancing the materials with a wide range of ions to improve toughness, bending strength, and other potential augmentations.
  • Organic Matter – Nissin Ion’s implanters can be used on a variety of organic matter, implanting chlorine, neon, krypton, and many other elements for conductivity, oxidation, thermal stability, and other properties.

Let’s talk about your needs and how Nissin can help you.  Contact our sales team to learn more about our products.