Nissin Ion Implanter Shiga Location

Introduction to Nissin

  • Nissin started as a division of Nissin Electric in 1973
  • Nissin Ion Equipment was established in 1999
  • More than 1000 Ion Implanters installed worldwide for semiconductor wafer processing

Shiga Japan

Texas USA

Massachusetts USA

Learn More About Our Products

Partner with Nissin

As semiconductor processes become more and more complex, the need for smart, cost-effective solutions has never been greater. Nissin Ion Equipment is growing in the United States and Worldwide because of our commitment to our valued customers. Let Nissin help you succeed with our innovative solutions and world class support.

Transforming the world through

Innovative Ion Technology

Ion implantation technology involves the modification of the electrical properties of a substance through ion doping. Elements are ionized in plasma then accelerated at high voltages from a few keV to several hundreds of keV. The kinetic energy of the ion is used to penetrate a target and the implanted ion modifies its electrical properties (conductivity). 


This technology serves a very important role in the process of manufacturing devices including silicon (Si) wafers as well as compound semiconductors such as gallium arsenide (GaAs), and silicon carbide (SiC), and poly-silicon on glass.


Nissin’s Ion Implanters are very reliable and are designed to meet the challenges of today’s semiconductor manufacturing processes. With innovative technologies, improving productivity and lowering the cost of ownership, we are helping customers reach new heights in semiconductor manufacturing.

Fundamentals of How an Implanter Works

Diverse applications

Combining diverse cutting-edge technologies

Ion implementation is achieved through state-of-the-art technology combined with innovative processes. Highly trained engineers in the fields of vacuum technology, electronic circuitry, plasma chemistry & high-voltage insulation technology incorporate efforts & sciences from mechatronics, informatics and telecommunications to develop and refine our solutions. Nissin drives optimization of our technology solutions, while partnering with customers to produce world class results in the advancement of the ion implementation applications.

Nissin Locations

Nissin Ion Implanter global locations
Nissin Ion Implanter US locations